I find myself in another valley, and I saw it coming. I thought ignoring it was a good idea. I thought I was trusting God by ignoring situations that always do have consequences. I was too busy seeking pleasure. I am not talking about 'forbidden' pleasures, but just the little pleasures we get used to in our daily lives - that can take us over while we lose our focus on Christ.
I do get super serious about prayer when I am in a valley. I also pray during the good times but must admit there is no comparison. The Psalms remind me how David prayed in good times and bad with equal fervor. Nothing less is worthy of my King!
It's great, the time I have with God in the mornings and little moments all during the day. It's great how God brings people together to minister to one another. He gave me a day like that today, as He met me in my valley with reinforcements this morning, this afternoon, and I am sure we will meet again this evening.
Friends, I cherish your encouragements and intercessory prayers and I know you are His instruments of peace here on earth, for me. Thank you and thanks be to God!