I am sitting inside a little box, right in the middle of God's creation. It's not an especially unattractive little box, to me, anyway....but what kind of view does He have? The view from my windows is of beauty and wonder. (Yes, at least my little box has windows!) I love looking at the majestic backyard trees, especially the ones with the huge leaves. Sunlight dances along the branches, playing tag with the shade. The bark of the trees looks a million years old but I know it is not....it is simply aged. Birds play on the branches and sometimes sit on the fence top and serenade creation...a squirrel scampers along the fence supports...eyes darting back and forth, perhaps on the lookout for my dog or another predator. This is my morning window to the world and I love this world. It is primitive and pristine. No matter what we try to do in the backyard, nature wins. And while my husband shakes his head and keeps trying to grow grass and cut down trees that have grown where they shouldn't...I secretly smile at the bald patches of ground and the trees that keep trying to grow back.
The front yard of my box is another story. Here, I try to grow flowers. I try to vary the planting so there is always something in bloom but I have to say my favorites are the Spring offerings of iris, lily, gladiola, daffodil, gerber daisy, sheffelera, and roses. Right now, the gladiolus have just given up the ghost and the zinnias are in full bloom. I have others that bloom but have forgotten some of the names. My star jasmine plant is an Olympian climber that I am excited about, wanting to create a plant wall on the side of the porch. Here in a corner of the flower bed, right next to the walkway to the door, a stubborn tree tries to grow. Jim will cut or pull it down but doesn't get to the root and and it keeps coming back. Now it is three-in-one. I say we dig it out and plant it in the yard. Something that persistent should be celebrated and allowed to grow free. I think I may have to do this myself. Today may be the day.
This little box I call home is my sanctuary where I meet The Lord every day. We look out on His creation and walk out in it, work in it, celebrate it...and we call it VERY GOOD.