I love volunteering, and, like many of you, my church is the main recipient of my service. I never know what my task will be, but I always enjoy helping out, as long as it's in the background. This week is our church's Mission Conference, themed this year as "LOL love out loud - Let the whole world hear". We plan to bless 4 families in the mission field and learn about them and the difference they are making for Christ in the world. Since I am volunteering for the Missions pastor, this could be a busy and exciting week.
So what did I end up doing today, you may be wondering...I ironed flags. A need was identified...to locate the remainer of the flags in an upper storage area we affectionately call, 'The Heavens II'. Of course, the next need was ironing out some of the wrinkles...the ones that would come out, anyway. I ran home for my iron and iroing board. Last year I had notified ladies from The Amazing Gray's to help iron and we were done before some even had a chance to set up. Too late to try for help now, but I knew I could do it alone, anyway.
My mind wandered as I ironed flags in the morning. I had concerns about wrinkles I couldn't get out, spots on some flags, how some were stored and what better way we could do that this year, how the padding on my ironing board was bunching up on one end and I should get a new pad...blah blah blah. I started wondering how I was bringing glory to God by ironing these flags...well, wrinkled flags could be distracting to the message...no, that's a reach. What am I doing today to bring glory to God?
After lunch, I started paying attention to the countries the flags represented. As I thought about different aspects I may have known, read, or heard about...I started parying as I ironed. For instance, I remembered reading about POLAND's horrific history of German occupation and how their people's lives changed for that time. I thought of my foreign students from JAPAN who are grown up and away now. I thought of VENEZUELA's bad government and BRAZIL's coffee.
Thinking about their countires and the people in them, putting faces and feelings on them, I also prayed for missionaries to seek them out so that they will know freedom in Christ, which is a freedom that cannot be taken away by a government or corrupt drug lords. I thought about how poor these countries are compared to us, but how rich, once they know the Lord. Sometimes we know the Lord, but are not as free because of our wealth which can be used by Satan to distract us, even to the point of misery.
I realize that it's my praying that can give glory to God today. At the begining, I was looking at it as kind of a boring, nothing day...but prayer made all the difference. And I don't need an iron to serve, although that was a bonus today. My true service to others and God is prayer. I'm not rich and there are many things I would like to do that I cannot. Others can. But I can always pray!
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