I started the new year exactly as I start every morning, reading the Word of God. On this day that many of us plan to start or revive something that will put us back on track, like exercising or dieting, it’s important to keep the good routines we have established. It’s important to keep God in His proper place...#1.
I read today, in 2nd Timothy, where Paul is telling Timothy to “fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you” (NLT). This resonated in my own soul, as I, too, have heard similar words. Several years ago, I accompanied my daughter Robin and family to THE STOREHOUSE in Olympia for prayer. The first time, the lady who prayed with me asked God for insight and told me of the picture He gave her. She said I had a garden with plantings and a well-stocked gardening shed. I was to reach up on the top shelves for an item that needed to be used but was very dusty from neglect. In fact, there were several nice looking, dusty items on that top shelf. She said they were my spiritual gifts and I needed to dust them off and use them for the glory of God. They would help the garden to grow. God gave me these gifts and I have not used them to work at the plans He has for me. I left there convicted.
I don’t know what He wants me to do other than to be a help and encouragement to others on the journey. At times, I have started to write a book, but I realize I lack the discipline for such an endeavor. I have some sewing to finish up, some books to finish reading, and there’s always housework, dog chores, and exercise classes. I also get caught up in tasks for others I wish to bless, including volunteer work.
On a subsequent visit to THE STOREHOUSE the focus was more on my name and that I was a warrior for God and needed to fight the good fight with Him. I was also told that I was a seeker of truth. I could also identify with that....but I feel that I am still in a dusting mode of my spiritual gifts and I fear the one I neglect the most is my writing.
Lord, You can help me in this hour of searching. I am wondering about a venue for my writing...is it a book? Is it this blog? Is it letters of encouragement to others? I know we can do this together and I just need to listen more closely. I thank You for the message and memories Your Word in 2nd Timothy provided this morning. I know that as I read Your Word, You talk to me. I invite You to fill my thoughts and take them captive. Help me focus on others more and on myself less. Help me always focus through the lens of Your eyes and Your love. In Jesus name, Amen.
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