Friday, December 18, 2009

Angels at Toys R Us

Tell me that you, too, have been in a hurry...trying to get a number of things accomplished in a specific, unrealistic amount of time. Unfortunately, it is sometimes seems like a way of life for me, especially when I am 'on the road'.
Like now, I am a visitor to the 'homeland' where I grew up, staying with my daughter, trying to help out and trying to DO Christmas. In fact, I am trying to DO Christmas without my best friend and help-mate, Jim. In fact, I am not even ready to TRY to DO Christmas.

So, I had 2-1/2 hours when I left the house. Plenty of time to get an oil change and do some Christmas shopping before supper. That was before the 1-1/2 hour oil change...ok, 1 hour left. I can at least make a quick stop for toys. And I would have made it home on time if I wouldn't have had to get off the Interstate to go back, risking life and limb (ok, that is a bit dramatic) on an icy highway then hitting all the red lights before getting back to Toys R Us.

Crying, pleading, and praying all the way...I called on God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, my guardian angel, and any guardian angels who may be in the area...please, please, please! It only took me 12 minutes, but it felt like 30 and I drove right up to the outdoors buggy corral in the row I had originally parked...No! Not There!
I ran into the store and cried out over the other customers at the courtesy desk..."Did anyone find a purse in the parking lot?!!" Oh, yes, some nice man brought it in! Follow me, ma'm! "Oh, thank You, God!" What color is it? "Brown! Yes, that's it!" I hugged that young man so hard he had to cough and clear his throat before I backed off!

So, I have to thank the angels at Toys R Us!  Once I got home, I checked, nothing missing! Oh, God, I am so sorry that I am rushing through this season of Jesus' birth with so many mundane thoughts in my head and errands on my mind. Help me be mindful of You and the greatest gift the world has ever received!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Savoring This Time

I am sitting in a cold, dark motel room watching my sweet, two-year old grandson sleep. He is covered up in a Mickey Mouse towel and his Grandma Mavis' sweatshirt-style could say he is wrapped in love.

As I look out on the ice and snow, listening to the cars and trucks lumbering tires upon the snow-packed pavement, I think that this is where I am supposed to be at this place in time. It is, in some way, a desolate place to be just before Christmas, certainly not for those who live here...but perhaps for those who have to be here and away from home. It brings to mind the plight of Mary and Joseph on the night baby Jesus was born. They did not pick that place.

We are here for our miracle, believing God. Briggs' heart sugery is scheduled for 9:30 am tomorrow and Grandpa Chet and Grandma Kim will take over caring for this sleeping angel while I wait on Tracy and Jeremy's family: Mom, Mavis...Dad, Curt...sister, Stacy wait on him. We will all be waiting for good word from the surgical staff.

In the recovery days that follow, I will have the privilege of accompanying Owen in his coloring endeavors, walking around, playing, puzzling, reading...etc. I am not just putting in my time but will savor this time, make memories with this time and enjoy every minute I can with him.