Saturday, October 24, 2009

Not Skin Deep

Sometimes I feel very unlovely. I learned long ago, in a Beth Moore study, "Free To be Me", that feelings of low self-worth are actually another form of pride. (It was the study after "Breaking Free" and I may have the title wrong, but I remember that week's lesson vividly.) When I am feeling down on myself, I am concentrating only on myself...I am being selfish...rather than focusing my life on my Lord and Savior.

I was having one of those days, or weeks, earlier in the month and as I tried to get to sleep one night, the Lord gave me a very simple poem that prompted a prayer I thought I would share:

Thank You for today
Thank You, Lord.
Thanks for the beauty
You've created in this world.
Thank You for the beauty
All around me that I see.
And thank You for the beauty
I may not see in me.

Dear Lord,
You have created me to be the perfect me and there is beauty in everything that has come from You. I have that measure of beauty that You have blessed me with, which make me ME. Please forgive me when I do not act, think, or speak beautifully. I owe You so much more than that. I love You.
In the mighty name of Jesus,

1 comment:

Thoughts from Debra said...

Oops, that study was aually "Living Free"!